2023/05/10 |
PCN (Product Change Notice)
Please be aware of an upcoming specificati on change to the listed part numbers. Before: Storage/Operating Temperature: -35 to 85 After: Storage/Operati ng Temperature: -40to 85 First Ship Date of Changed Items(Changed Parts Only):10-MAY-2023 |
2024/01/23 |
PCN (Product Change Notice)
Supplier Notice No.:PCN-24-197114 Title: Change raw material in Case component from PPS to LCP
DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Change raw material in Case component from PPS to LCP
REASON FOR CHANGE: To eliminate Electro-migration risk on Switch
2024/03/01 |
PCN (Product Change Notice)
Supplier Notice No.:PCN-24-197114 Title: Notification of change of case material
Description of change: Raw material for case parts changed from PPS to LCP
Reason for change: For product improvement. Basic performance/specifications will not change as a result of this change.
Effective date: Shipment from 23 January 2024 - Running change. (Subject to availability and production status) |
2024/06/01 |
PCN (Product Change Notice)
Supplier Notice No.:P-24-026058 Title: Updated document, Reason of update: This is to inform that the first date to~ship product with the new LCP material will be re-scheduled to June/01/2024
Descripti on of Changes This PCN is for additi onal informati on related to PCN: P-24-025937. This is to inform that the fi rst date to ship product with the new LCP material will be re-scheduled toJune/01/2024.
Reason for Changes: Document clarifi cati on.TE decided to re-schedule the fi rst shipment date to align with material inventory.
First Date To Ship(Changed Parts Only): 01-JUN-2024 |
2024/06/26 |
PCN (Product Change Notice)
Notification of change in internal shape For product improvement Internal contact gap: 0.6mm ⇒ 0.73mm 2024/6/25 Shipping ~ Running change |
2024/07/16 |
PCN (Product Change Notice)
Supplier Notice No.:PCN-24-213592 Title: Please be aware of an upcoming cosmeti c change
General Descripti on of Changes: Please be aware of an upcoming cosmeti c change to the listed part numbers (not aff ecti ng the functi on of the product). Before: Tape Width 6mm Aft er: Tape Width 8mm
Reason for Changes: Increase switch adhesion to avoid switch movement during logisti cs acti viti es. This was made only in he redial tape and does not aff ect on any of the switches functi ons.
First Ship Date of Changed Items(Changed Parts Only): 16-JUL-2024