Brad® PC-Based Network Interface Cards from MolexFeatured at Industrial Automation NA 2012 2012/09/19 Molex
Passive / Connections / mechanical parts
Brad® NICs provide reliable, cost-effective, high-speed communications and controlfor a multitude of industrial networking protocols.
Singapore – September 18, 2012 – Molex Incorporated offers comprehensiveselection of Brad® Network Interface Cards (NICs), an intelligent and cost-effectivecommunication solutions used to connect various computer bus formats, including PCIExpress, PCI, PC/104, USB and VME, directly to industrial networks.
“In addition to the many form factors supported, Brad NICs also support differentindustrial communications protocols, such as DeviceNet, EtherNet/IP, Profibus andmore,” said George Kairys, product manager, Molex. “The purpose of the cards is totransfer information back and forth between computers and industrial field devicesconnected on the various networks.
“These critical machine and process control applications demand sophisticated, highspeedcommunication transmissions and the Brad NICs fulfill that need with utmostaccuracy and reliability,” Kairys continued. “Our modules are used in applicationsranging from manufacturing computer chips, to high-speed robotic controllers used forindustrial automation in the automotive, aerospace and defense industries.”
Applications for Brad NICs include PC control, I/O emulation, HMI/SCADA controlsystems, PLC programming, network configuration, network equipment diagnostics andtroubleshooting. Both single- and dual-channel cards are offered for system flexibility,and software available for the NICs enables fast integration into each user’s specificapplication.
Among the PC-based communications cards Molex offers for real-time control and data acquisition in industrial automation and networking applications are: • DeviceNet Network Interface Cards, which include Molex’s SST™ and USBinterface modules for standard PCI and PC/104 bus formats. • Ethernet Network Interface Cards, which provide connectivity support forEthernet/IP, PROFINET I/O and Modbus TCP protocols. • PROFIBUS Network Interface Cards for PCI, PCI/104, PC Express Bus, USBand ISA Bus formats. • Serial Network Interface Cards, which are used to connect various types ofcomputers, including PCI Express, PCI, ISA, PC/104, PCMIA and VME, directlyto industrial networks such as Allen-Bradley DH+/RIO, CANopen, ControlNet,DeviceNet, Ethernet and others.
For more information on Brad® Network Interface Cards, please click here. Forinformation on all Molex industrial automation products please click here. To receiveinformation on other Molex products and industry solutions, please to sign up for our enouncementnewsletter
About Molex Incorporated Providing more than connectors, Molex delivers complete interconnect solutions for anumber of markets including data communications, telecommunications, consumerelectronics, industrial, automotive, medical, military and lighting. Established in 1938,the company operates 40 manufacturing locations in 16 countries. The Molex website is Follow us at , watch ourvideos at , connect with us at and read our blog at .
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