5386A Agilent Technologies Communication measuring equipment - 商品詳細情報
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Communication measuring equipment
Communication measuring equipment
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- Herstellername
- Agilent Technologies
- Produktname
- 5386A
- Produkt Klassifikation
- Communication measuring equipment
- Product name
- 周波数カウンタ 5386A
- Specification 1
- 9桁 display
- Specification 2
- Aチャンネルレンジ: 10Hz to 3GHz
- Specification 3
- Aチャンネル感度: 15mVrms(正弦波: 50Hz to 100MHz)
- Specification 4
- Bチャンネルレンジ: 100MHz to 3GHz
- Specification 5
- Bチャンネル感度: 15mVrms
- Specification 6
- Zin=50 Ohm
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- Erwartetes Versanddatum : Unbekannt
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Product name : 5386A
Manufacturers : Agilent Technologies
Menge : 0
Wert Ihrer : US$0.00
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Produkt insgesamt : US$