Silicon Labs | I2C humidity and temperature sensor 2013/12/13 Silicon Laboratories
The Si701x/2x devices are Silicon Labs’ 2nd generation family of relative humidity and temperature sensors. All members of this device family combine fully factory-calibrated humidity and temperature sensor elements with an analog to digital converter, signal processing and an I2C host interface. Patented use of industry-standard low-K polymer dielectrics provides excellent accuracy and long term stability, along with low drift and low hysteresis. The innovative CMOS design also offers the lowest power consumption in the industry for a relative humidity and temperature sensor.
Designers will appreciate the unique set of features offered by the Si701x/2x family. With full factory calibration, Si701x/2x devices require no additional RH/temperature calibration during PCB assembly. For protection against dust, dirt and chemical contaminants during PCB reflow and during device operation, all members of the Si701x/2x family can be fitted with an optional factory-installed cover. In addition, designs that require 2-zone temperature sensing will benefit from the Si7013’s auxiliary sensor input with programmable linearization.
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