CA378-AOIS_JSX2_2L CenturyArks Camera modules - 商品詳細情報
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The images are for reference only. For the precise specifications, refer to the product specifications.
A set of CA378-AOIS and I/F Board and FFC of Jetson TX1/TX2 Dev. Kit for evaluation. Jetpack supported ver: Jetpack 3.2 / Jetpack 4.2
HTSN : 8529900900
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- Manufacturer name
- CenturyArks
- Product name
- CA378-AOIS_JSX2_2L
- Product classification
- Camera modules
If you find an error in the product information, please let us know here.
A set of CA378-AOIS and I/F Board and FFC of Jetson TX1/TX2 Dev. Kit for evaluation.
[I/F Board for camera] is the same one as a I/F Board of RaspberryPi3 Model B for evaluation.
For transmission in MIPI (2Lane), frame rate will be below.
4K3K(4056x3040) & 4K2k(3840x2160) 30fps (max), FHD(1920x1080) 120fps (max)
The connection to Jetson TX1 Dev. Kit is possible as the specification. But we don't confirm the operation.
Software setup guide and driver and sample programs can download it below.
CenturyArks Co., Ltd. CA378-AOIS product site (Click)
Jetpack suported ver: Jetpack 3.2 / Jetpack 4.2
【Environment image】