PCN/PDN/NRND Information DF11-4DEP-2C|shopping sight of electronic components and semiconductor- chip one stop
Chip One Stop - Einkaufsstandort für elektronische Komponenten und Halbleiter
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PCN/PDN/NRND Information

PCN (product/process change notification) and PDN (production discontinuation notification) information.

Notification Date Notification Documents Notification Type Notification Information
2022/02/16 PCN (Product Change Notice) Certification Status
Recently, Toray Industries, Inc.,(Hereinafter Toray) announced that
certain resin products were improperly identified by Toray as
receiving certification from Underwriters Laboratories (hereinafter, "UL").

* Since there are many applicable products, this notification is divided into individual notifications.
Depending on your company's purchase history, you may receive multiple notifications.
Please be aware : PP0000725957,PP0000725958,PP0000725959
2022/09/20 PCN (Product Change Notice) CHANGE NOTIFICATION DESCRIPTION
Impact on our products by Inappropriate Identification on Nylon resin Amilan and PBT resin TORAYCON of Toray Industries, Inc.
Toray Industries, Inc. (Hereinafter Toray) announced followings about Nylon resin Amilan
and PBT resin TORAYCON (Hereafter Applicable materials) that were improperly identified as receiving certification
from Underwriters Laboratories, a third-party safety science organization in the United States (hereinafter, "UL").
We are writing to inform you of the impact on our products.

* Since there are many applicable products, this notification is divided into individual notifications.
Depending on your company's purchase history, you may receive multiple notifications.
Please be aware.
2022/09/28 PCN (Product Change Notice) Impact on Hirose
As UL certification registration of Amilan/TORAYCON is unchanged,
there is no impact on UL certification registration of our products using Amilan/TORAYCON.
We continue to supply our products using the applicable materials.

* Since there are many applicable products, this notification is divided into individual notifications.
Depending on your company's purchase history, you may receive multiple notifications.
Please be aware.
2022/11/01 PCN (Product Change Notice) Adding new manufacturer for the resin in addition to current manufacturer.
There is no change on product specifications and connector UL recognition File No. (E52563)
We will inform you again after we receive UL recognition for the resin made by another manufacturer.
Start from Nov. 1 sat 2022
2024/05/01 PCN (Product Change Notice) Notice of relocation of production location and request for consent.
At our Koriyama Factory (Fukushima Prefecture), we plan to move to a new factory (in Koriyama City) in order to build a system for increasing production of connectors for automobiles and general industrial machinery and to strengthen business continuity planning(BCP) by avoiding disaster risks
2024/05/01 PCN (Product Change Notice) Notice of relocation of production location
A new factory is currently under construction and is scheduled to start operation in May 2024.
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PCN/PDN/NRND Information
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