Featured Products
Primary Control ICs/
Secondary Control ICs/Shunt Regulator ICs

Miniature 6-axis force torque sensor
World's smallest and lightest* 6-axis force torque sensor with digital output.
High load capacity and high resolution achieved by our unique design.
By miniaturization, sensing close to the robot finger.
Light weight also contributes to reducing the load on the robot.
>> Detail here

Product Lineup
Lithium-Ion Battery Protection ICs &
Related ICs
・Various types of battery IC for single cell to multi-cells are lined up.
They are applicable to various devices from mobile gadgets to Electric bicycle. - ・The battery IC is provided with a high detection accuracy and abundant functions, enabling safe battery charging and protection.
- ・Fuel Gauge IC achieves safe and effective use of batteries by detecting the battery level.
Sensor ICs
The 6-axis force sensors have a hybrid structure of MEMS chip and AFE.
Power Supply ICs
AC-DC control ICs, we offer primary side control ICs that support PWM + QR combined control, and secondary side synchronous rectification control ICs that can dynamically change the timing off.