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THine has developed its 16Gbps ultra-high-speed interface technology

2016/01/28THine Electronics  Analog


TOKYO (January 26, 2016) – THine Electronics, Inc. (JASDAQ: 6769), the global leader in high-speed serialinterface and provider of mixed-signal LSI today announced its development of 16Gbps ultra-high-speedinterface technology. This 16Gbps technology is the world-first* high-speed solution if used forinternal-interface of 8K TVs and other high-resolution applications. This brand-new 16Gbps technology isapplicable to multi-standard interface markets, not only THine’s advanced ultra-high-speed V-by-One ®technology, but also Fibre Channel 16GFC, PCI Express 4.0 (Gen4), and USB3.1.This ultra-high-speed technology allows THine to offer its innovative solutions for various applications such as8K TVs and other high-resolution applications, high-speed communication among data centers, datacommunications between internet cloud servers, and advanced PC interfaces, including optical communicationmarkets.

In addition, THine’s new 16Gbps technology can be applied to automotive infotainment applications,supporting temperature conditions required for automotive quality. THine plans to offer its valuable solutionfor advanced usages in consumer electronics, industrial equipments, and automotive applications. In addition,THine starts developing its advanced ultra-high-speed interface technology of 32Gbps or faster.

“THine’s newly developed 16Gbps ultra-high-speed technology will bring our valuable customers significantlyinnovative values for their internal interface solution, achieving outstanding cost-performance, lower powerconsumption, higher port density, fewer cables, and lighter weights,” commented Kazutaka Nogami, CEO ofTHine Electronics, “THine plans to deliver the new working samples of the first 16Gbps product in the firsthalf of 2017.”

About THine Electronics
THine Electronics Incorporated is a fabless maker that provides innovative mixed signal LSI and analogtechnologies such as V-by-One ® HS, LVDS, other high-speed data signaling, timing controller, ADC, ISP, andLED/motor drivers for our customers’ solutions in automotive, industrial, consumer electronics, and mobileapplications. THine is headquartered in Tokyo, and has subsidiaries in Taipei, Seoul, Hong Kong, Shenzhen,and Shanghai. THine is listed on JASDAQ of Tokyo Stock Exchange under the security code of 6769. Formore information, please visit

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