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Effective April 1st , 2023, we changed the company name to NIDEC COMPONENTS. (Former name : NIDEC COPAL ELECTRONICS)
NIDEC COMPONENTS(Formally NIDEC COPAL ELECTRONICS) is a manufacturer of electronic components covering industrial equipment to the consumer electronics field and has more than half a century of experience and technical resources.Their business domain has expanded in various fields of electronic & mechanical components, sensors, and actuators, all of which have gained top class share and evaluation in the industrial equipment category.
New Product Lineup Announcement: With Aero-dynamic Bearings "Micro Blowers TF037
series and TF029B"
We are pleased to announce that the “Micro Blower” series joined our standard product lineup starting August of
this year.
These new Micro Blowers use our patented Aero-dynamic Bearings technology.
This revolutionary technology utilizes the effect of air pressure between the motor shaft and sleeve to provide a
contactless rotational motion.
The Aero-dynamic Bearings technology allows us to manufacture high-performance, and compact Micro Blowers. Our
product lineup currently has 5 different types. We also provide motor drivers to customers who are looking to do
preliminary testing or Proof-of-Concept.
・Aero-dynamic bearings
・Compact / Light weight
・High static pressure
・Less vibration
・Long life
Medical devices (ex. CPAP), Household fuel cell system, Printer (ex. 3D Printer), Server, Ionizer etc.