Infineon Introduces Superjunction 500VCoolMOS™ CE Products for Consumer andLighting Applications: Industry’s Best Price-Performance Ratio 2012/05/09 Infineon Technologies
Power Supply
April 25, 2012
Neubiberg, Germany – April 25, 2012 – Infineon Technologies (FSE: IFX / OTCQX: IFNNY)today introduced the 500V CoolMOS™ CE, a new series of CoolMOS™ products. When used todesign power supplies in price sensitive applications such as consumer electronics, PC Silverboxesand Lighting SMPS (Switched-Mode Power Supply), the new devices represent an attractivealternative to standard MOSFETs. Infineon’s 500V CoolMOS™ CE combines all benefits ofmodern Superjunction MOSFETs: low area specific on-state resistance, reduced switching lossesand high body diode ruggedness.
“Leading performance, field proven reliability and consistent supply capability created customerconfidence in high quality and continued innovation underlying CoolMOS™ technology,” says Jan-Willem Reynaerts, Product Segment Head of High Voltage Power Conversion at InfineonTechnologies. “The new 500V portfolio enables our customers to reach higher energy efficiencylevels while at the same time offering a very attractive price-performance ratio, which makes thisnew set of CoolMOS™ CE devices an excellent alternative to standard MOSFETs in targetedapplications.”
Using Superjunction technology provides improved efficiency especially at light load conditions –thus, this new series of CoolMOS™ CE represents an energy-efficient and cost attractive alternativeto standard MOSFETs. The low area specific on-state resistance (R DS(on)*A) enables lowerconduction losses, reduces energy stored in output capacitance (E oss) and minimizes switchinglosses. Lower gate charge (Q g) improves light load efficiency while not compromising full loadefficiency. This, combined with the outstanding quality and reliability of CoolMOS™ technology,provides lower system cost and a reduced cost of ownership. High body diode ruggedness andreduced reverse recovery charge (Q rr) make it the perfect solution for soft switching applications.The new devices are easy to design in and to use given their nicely controllable switching behavior.
Availability and Pricing
First samples of 500V CoolMOS™ CE in 280mOhm and 500mOhm R ds(on) in TO-220 package areavailable. By May 2012, first samples of 500V devices in 280mOhm, 500mOhm and 950mOhm Rds(on) in DPAK and TO-220 FullPAK packages will be available. First OEM ramp-ups are expectedin May 2012.
Engineering sample is US $1.12 per piece (IPP50R280CE; 500V, 280mOhm in TO-220). Furtherinformation on Infineon’s new 500V CoolMOS™ CE is available at
About Infineon Infineon Technologies AG, Neubiberg, Germany, offers semiconductor and system solutionsaddressing three central challenges to modern society: energy efficiency, mobility, and security. Inthe 2011 fiscal year (ending September 30), the company reported sales of Euro 4.0 billion withclose to 26,000 employees worldwide. Infineon is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (tickersymbol: IFX) and in the USA on the over-the-counter market OTCQX International Premier (tickersymbol: IFNNY). Further information is available at .
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