New webinar added for the LPC54100 sensor processing / motion solution 2014/12/08 NXP Semiconductors
Dear C1S newscenter,
Always-on sensor solutions for context-aware mobile devices have driven a revolution in how we interact with the world around us. To help embedded developers expand their sensor-enabled products and bring them to market quickly, NXP is offering the sensor processing / motion solution using the ultra-low-power LPC54100 series of microcontrollers. NXP developed this complete solution with strategic sensor manufacturers and sensor-processing middleware providers, including Bosch Sensortec.
To give you some insight into using this solution in your designs, we planned two webinars on the topic “Learn how to manage increased sensor density and power consumption for always-on sensor processing applications using NXP's LPC54100 series of microcontrollers” on Wednesday, December 10. These are filling up quickly so we have added a third session on Wednesday, December 17 at 09:00-10:00 PST.
Simply choose the time and then fill out the registration form that suits you best:
December 10 at 10:00-11:00 CET* December 10 at 09:00-10:00 EST* December 17 at 09:00-10:00 PST * Limited spaces left.
Our LPC54100 series was designed to bring together the ultimate power efficiency and the horsepower needed for always-on sensor-processing applications in one microcontroller. The new series delivers the industry’s lowest power consumption for the full range of sensor processing tasks and can be configured standalone or with an application processor. So you have great scalability, enabling you to tailor power and performance to your particular task.
So register today to get a clear picture of the LPC54100 series and discover how you can start building new always-on sensor-based designs. And for all the latest information on these solutions check out our ‘Always-on sensor processing – a key building block for the smarter world’ pages.
Best regards, NXP Semiconductors
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