22V/40V Input Power Modules Deliver 3A/6A Full Current with Over 95% Efficiency 2016/04/05 Exar
Power Supply
Fremont, CA - April 4, 2016 - Exar Corporation (NYSE: EXAR), a leading supplier of analog mixed-signal products serving the industrial, high-end consumer and infrastructure markets, announces the XR79103, XR79106, XR79203 and XR79206 as addition to its family of synchronous step-down power modules with input voltage up to 40V. All four single output devices with high operating efficiency and low temperature rise in a compact QFN package includes easy to use, fully integrated power converters including MOSFETs, inductors and high frequency input capacitor.
The XR79103 and XR79106 operate from a 4.5V to 22V input supply, delivering a regulated output adjustable between 0.6V to 5.5V. With 40V maximum input voltage, the XR79203 and XR79206 add the ability to convert from loosely regulated 24VDC, rectified 18VAC and 24VAC sources. The output voltage can be set from 0.6V to 13.2V. Using Exar's patented emulated current mode constant on-time (COT) control, these power modules have the fast transient response of conventional COT control loops, while providing excellent line and load regulation performance. These modules offer a host of supervisory and protection features for proper sequencing, safe operation under abnormal operating conditions and light load operation. The combination of wide input voltage range, a thermally efficient package, tight regulation accuracy and small solution size makes these power modules well suited for applications in communications, drones and remote vehicles, industrial, after market automotive and FPGA and SOC power systems.
The XR79103 (6mm x 6mm x 4mm), XR79106 (8mm x 8mm x 4mm), XR79203 (8mm x 8mm x 4mm) and XR79206 (10mm x 10mm x 4mm) are available in RoHS compliant, green/halogen free, space-saving QFN packages. Prices start at $4.25, $5.40, $8.50 and $9.95, respectively, in quantities of 1,000. For more information, visit the power modules page. http://www.exar.com/products/power-management/power-conversion/power-modules/?utm_source=PR&utm_medium=media&utm_campaign=powermodules&utm_content=powermodules
About Exar Exar Corporation designs, develops and markets analog mixed-signal products for the industrial and embedded systems communications, high-end consumer and infrastructure markets. Exar's broad product portfolio includes power management, signal conditioning, interface, display, data management and video processing solutions. Exar has locations worldwide providing real-time customer support. For more information, visit http://www.exar.com .
Exar, XR, the Exar logo are registered trademarks and PowerArchitect is a trademark of Exar Corp. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Download graphics here:http://download.publitek.com/EX064-1_XR79103-6_203-6_Txt.jpg http://download.publitek.com/EX064-2_XR79103-6_203-6_noTxt.jpg http://download.publitek.com/EX064-3_XR79103-6_203-6_noLogo.jpg
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Exar News Release
2016/04/08 Exar
Power Supply
2016/02/22 Exar
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