Digilent Inc.(An NI Company) is a leading electrical engineering products company providing educational design tools to students and educational institutes all over the world. Digilent products are adopted by more than 2,000 universities in 70 countries. Digilent is now a proud distributor of Measurement Computing Corporation (MCC) DAQ and data logging products. MCC is a leading supplier of data acquisition solutions that are easy-to-use, easy-to-integrate.
Featured Products
Analog Discovery Pro Series
The Analog Discovery Pro 5000 Series devices are Digilent’s most ambitious mixed signal oscilloscopes to date, bringing higher sample rates, wider bandwidth, and more power to your benchtop.
Digilent WebDAQs
Meet the WebDAQ series of stand alone universal input data loggers, giving engineers the ability to monitor and control their systems remotely.
Analog Discovery 3
Analog Discovery 3 is a digital oscilloscope, logic analyzer, waveform generator, pattern generator, and much more. Using the included WaveForms software, it can be used in the lab, in the field, or even at home as any number of test instruments.
The Analog Discovery Pro (ADP2230)™ is a mixed signal oscilloscope (MSO) designed for professional engineers. It features analog inputs, analog output, and digital I/O, with deep memory buffers all operating at up to 125 MS/s.
Digital Discovery
The Digilent Digital Discovery is a compact and powerful tool that combines a logic analyzer, protocol analyzer, and pattern generator. It's designed for embedded development, offering compatibility, speed, and portability. With advanced features, it helps debug, visualize, and simulate digital signals for various projects.
MCC DAQ HATs are designed for the popular Raspberry Pi platform. These devices provide features like analog and digital I/O in a small, stackable format. All DAQ HATs include C/C++® and Python™ examples and an open-source library.
FPGA evaluation board・JTAG
FPGA evaluation board and programming module "JTAG" for speedy development of any design
ZedBoard™ is a low-cost development board for the Xilinx Zynq®-7000 SoC. Everything you need to create Linux, Android, Windows® or other OS/RTOS-based designs is included.
This FPGA evaluation/development board is popular among students and beginners who are going to start FPGA development using Artix-7 from Xilinx.
Analog Discovery Pro ADP3450
This is a mixed-signal multi-measurement instrument with 4 channels of analog inputs and 16 channels of digital inputs with 14-bit resolution at a maximum of 0.5 Gsps. It is designed for professional use in full-scale R&D and product design.
USRP B205mini-i
This is a flexible and compact platform that is ideal for both hobbyist and OEM applications. The board is designed by Ettus Research™ and provides a wide frequency range (70MHz to 6GHz) and a user-programmable, industrial-grade Xilinx Spartan-6 XC6SLX150 FPGA.
This is a multifunction, high-speed, analog and digital I/O USB devices. Each device offers up to 16 SE/8 DIFF analog inputs, eight digital I/O channels, two counter inputs, and one timer output.
The features 8 SE/4 DIFF analog inputs, 16-bit resolution, two 16-bit analog outputs, eight digital I/O, and one 32-bit counter.
FPGA Boards
Test and Measurement Equipment
Digilent provides the following technical support
Featured Videos
Introducing the Analog Discovery Pro 5470 & 5490
Acquiring Data Over Ethernet with an E-1608 and DAQami
How to Measure a Thermocouple using the USB-TC DAQ device
USB-200 Series Data Acquisition Quick Start Guide
Genesys 2 Introduction
Zybo Z7 Introduction
Digital Discovery Product Showcase
Nexys Video Introduction
NetFPGA-SUME Introduction
Nexys4-DDR introduction
Articles about Digilent products
Analog Discovery 3
MCC series with Raspberry Pi
- AC Power Monitoring IoT Solution using MCC 118 with Raspberry Pi®
- Machinery Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance using MCC 172 and MCC 134 with Raspberry Pi®
- Neuromuscular Biomechanics Test System using MCC 172 and Raspberry Pi®
- Portable Test System using MCC DAQ and Raspberry Pi®
- Probe Permeameter Machine using MCC 118 and MCC 134 with Raspberry Pi®
- Polishing machine vibration monitoring using USB-231
- TechTip Measuring Thermocouples with Raspberry Pi® and the MCC 134
Analog Discovery/Digital Discovery
- The Future of Analog Discovery Pro A Sneak Peek
- Streamlining Electronics Education with Digilent Analog Discovery Studio
- WaveForms vs. NI’s LabVIEW in Engineering Education
- Rapid Trigger Buffering with Deep Memory Support
- Analyze the Measurement Data on Cloud using Raspberry Pi 4 and Analog Discovery 2
- Debug SPI communication protocol with Analog Discovery 2
- Getting Started with Raspberry Pi and Digilent Test and Measurement Devices
- Learn Electronics with Analog Discovery Studio
- Using the Analog Discovery 2 to Debug Different Motor Controllers