Chip One Stop - 전자 부품, 반도체 인터넷 쇼핑몰
South Korea
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shindengen one stop

Shindengen is an overall manufacturer of power electronics that develops and produces power semiconductors, electrical products, power device products and new energy products. Chip One Stop allows you to make small-lot purchases of highly efficient and high performing power semiconductors and power device products.

Power module


  • Small DIP package
  • Insulation type
  • High withstand voltage
  • High heat dissipation


  • General purpose inverter
  • Servo Amplifier
Industrial equipment Power module for motor drive
The power module is a product that combines multiple power semiconductors into one package.
By integrating the parts of the power circuit, it comtributes to miniaturization of electronic equipment and improvement of productivity during manufacturing.
We will be considering package selection and commercialization according o customer`s circuit and packaging methods and expanding our lineup.

External view

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Electrode diagram

Rating table

Absolute maximum ratings

Converter diode
Item Symbol Conditions Product name Unit
MG020200 MG020201
Junction temperature Tj   150 150
Peak inverse voltage VRM   600 600 V
Non-repetition peak surge reverse voltage VRSM   800 800 V
Frequency IO 50 Hz sine wave, resistive load, Tc = 137℃ (MG 020200), 136℃ (MG 020201) 20 30 A
Brake IGBT
Item Symbol Conditions Product name Unit
MG020200 MG020201
Channel temperature Tch   150 150
Collector/emitter voltage VCES   600 600 V
Gate/emitter voltage VGES   ±20 ±20 V
Collector current (DC) IC   28 30 A
Collector current (peak) ICP Pulse width 10μs、duty = 1/100 56 60 A
Total loss PT   113 178 W
Brake diode
Item Symbol Conditions Product name Unit
MG020200 MG020201
Junction temperature Tj   150 150
Peak inverse voltage VRM   600 600 V
Frequency IO 50 Hz sine wave, resistive load, Tc = 137℃ 3 3 A
Item Symbol Conditions Product name Unit
MG020200 MG020201
Storage temperature Tstg   -40 ~ 125 -40 ~ 125
Withstand voltage Vdis Batch terminal/between cases AC1 Application in minutes 2.5 2.5 kV
Tightening torque TOR Main terminal/for mounting (recommended value 0.8N/m) 1.5 1.5 N・m

Electrical/thermal characteristics

Converter diode
Item Symbol Conditions Product name Unit
MG020200 MG020201
Forward voltage VF TF = 7A(MG020200)、10A(MG020201) Pulse measurement per element 1.05 1.05 V(max)
Reverse current IR VR = 600V Pulse measurement per element 10 10 μA(max)
Brake IGBT
Item Symbol Conditions Product name Unit
MG020200 MG020201
Between collector and emitter ON voltage VCE(sat) IC = 15A、VGE = 15V 2.1 2.0 V(typ)
Gate threshold voltage VTH IC = 1mA、VCF = 10V 6.5 6.5 V(typ)
Total gate charge amount Qg VCC = 400V、VGE = 10V、IC =Rated value 38 62 nC(typ)
Input capacity Cies VCE = 10V(MG020200)、25V(MG020201)、VGE = 0V、f = 1MHz 1050 1670 pF(typ)
Feedback capacitance Cres 29 20
Output capacity Coes 185 165
Brake diode
Item Symbol Conditions Product name Unit
MG020200 MG020201
Forward voltage VF IF = 3A、Pulse measurement 1.65 1.65 V(max)
Reverse current IR VR = 600V、Pulse measurement 10 10 μA(max)
Reverse recovery time trr IF = 0.5A、IR = 1.0A、0.25IR 50 50 ns(max)
Item Symbol Conditions Product name Unit
MG020200 MG020201
Thermal resistance θjc Between junction and case Converter Diode 0.28 0.2 ℃ /W(max)
Brake IGBT 1.1 0.7 ℃ /W(max)
Diode 2.4 2.4 ℃ /W(max)