Fundamental information chapter
- 001. Periodic Table of the Elements
- 002. Fundamental Physical Constant Table
- 003. International Unit System (SI:International Unit System)
- 004. Unit System Conversion Table
- 005. Coefficient of linear thermal expansion of various materials
- 006. Thermal conductivity
- 007. Electric resistance of metal
- 008. Relative permittivity
- 009. Wavelength of light and color temperature
- 010. Name and application of spectrum
Circuit technology information chapter
- 020. Ohm’s law
- 021. Kirchhoff’s law
- 022. Principle of superposition
- 023. Thevenin’s theorem
- 024. Impedance and admittance
- 025. Combination of resistance, capacitance, and inductance
- 026. Three-phase alternating current circuit and Balanced three-phase circuit
- 027. Electromagnetism formula list
- 028. Transient phenomena
- 029. Characteristic impedance of transmission path
- 030. LC filter circuit
- 031. Circuit method of switching power supply (AC-DC converter)
- 032. Reflection coefficient
- 033. Operational amplifier basic circuit
- 034. JISC0617 Graphical symbols for electrical apparatus
- 035. Boolean algebra
- 036. Fundamental combilation logic device
- 037. Basic sequential circuit: Flipflop
Semiconductor information chapter
- 038. Types of diodes
- 039. Fundamentals of diodes
- 040. Behaviors of bipolar transistors
- 041. Fundamentals of Field Effect Transistors (FETs)
- 042. Fundamentals of Transistor With Built-In Resistors
- 043. Computational methods of Transistors With Built-In Resistors
- 044. Behaviors of Thyristors/Triacs
- 045. Types of IC packages
- 046. Types of discrete packages
- 047. General-purpose logic IC function table<74 series>
- 048. General-purpose logic IC cross reference<74 series>
- 049. General-purpose logic IC cross reference<74 series mini logic>
- 050. Features of each 74 series
- 051. Circuit form of 74 series
- 052. General-purpose logic IC fundamental package Suffix table
- 053. Types and features of Semi-custom programmable logic IC’s
- 054. Types and featurs of memory
- 055. Recording media
- 056. Serial EEPROM cross reference
- 057. Technical terms related to analog IC’s
- 058. Resolution and quantization unit of A/D, D/A converter(LSB)
- 059. Analog modulation method
- 060. Wireless communication table
- 061. RFID
- 062. Embedded system
- 063. Microcomputer development environment