Selection guide for aluminum electrolytic capacitor

Customers can purchase the leading Japanese manufacturers’ aluminum electrolytic capacitors. Please check here.

Conductive Polymer aluminum electrolytic capacitor

Category Manufacturer Series Feature Standard
Small /
thinner type product
High capacity
Long life product
Rated Voltage
Electrical capacity
Temperature range
Chip type Nippon Chemi-Con PXG
Ultra-low ESR
High ripple current / small products
      16 to 25 10 to 1,000 -55℃ to +105℃
Nippon Chemi-Con PXK
Ultra-low ESR
High ripple current / small products
      2.5 to 16 100 to 560 -55℃ to +105℃
Nippon Chemi-Con PXS
Long life
Ultra-low ESR / High ripple current products
    4 to 16 22 to 560 -55℃ to +105℃
Nippon Chemi-Con PXF
Ultra-low ESR
High ripple current products
      2 to 10 120 to 1000 -55℃ to +125℃
Nippon Chemi-Con PXE
Ultra-low ESR
High ripple current products
    2.5 to 16 33 to 2,700 -55℃ to +105℃
Nippon Chemi-Con PXA
Ultra-low ESR
High ripple current products
    2.5 to 25 3.3 to 1500 -55℃ to +105℃
Nippon Chemi-Con PXD
125℃Ultra-low ESR
High ripple current products
    2.5 to 10 47 to 470 -55℃ to +125℃
Nippon Chemi-Con PXH
125℃Ultra-low ESR
High ripple current products
    2 to 20 22 to 1000 -55℃ to +125℃
To purchase
Chip type standard product   2.5 to 25 3.3 to 1,500 -55 to +105°C
To purchase
Standard product   2 to 8 15 to 100 -55 to +105°C
To purchase
Low ESR product     2 to 6.3 33 to 220 -55 to +105°C
To purchase
High capacity /
ultra low ESR product
  2 to 8 33 to 390 -55 to +105°C
Lead type Nippon Chemi-Con PSG
Long life / Ultra-low ESR
High ripple current / small products
    16 to 25 56 to 1,000 -55℃ to +105℃
Nippon Chemi-Con PSK
Long life / Ultra-low ESR
High ripple current / small products
    2.5 to 6.3 100 to 560 -55℃ to +105℃
Nippon Chemi-Con PSF
Long life
Ultra-low ESR / High ripple current products
    2 to 16 100 to 1,600 -55℃ to +105℃
Nippon Chemi-Con PSE
Ultra-low ESR
High ripple current / long-life products
    2.5 to 6.3 470 to 820 -55℃ to +105℃
Nippon Chemi-Con PSC
Ultra-low ESR
High ripple current products
      2.5 to 16 270 to 2,700 -55℃ to +105℃
Nippon Chemi-Con PSA
Ultra-low ESR
High ripple current products
    2.5 to 16 47 to 1,500 -55℃ to +105℃
Nippon Chemi-Con PS
Ultra-low ESR
High ripple current products
    2.5 to 35 18 to 1,500 -55℃ to +105℃

Capacitor lineup by category

Capacitors are electronic components with the ability to store electricity. In addition to storing electricity, capacitors are used for the purpose of passing alternate current to block direct current. Chip One Stop provides a wide variety of capacitors.

Capacitors Category List

  • Ceramic capacitor

    Ceramic capacitors use ceramic as the derivative. Depending on the type of ceramic, ceramic capacitors have been divided to low dielectric constant ceramic capacitors (for compensating temperature) and Low dielectric constant ceramic capacitors.

  • Aluminum electrolytic capacitor

    Aluminum electrolytic capacitors use oxide layer formed on the surface of aluminum electrodean as the dielectric. As dielectric layer is very thin, larger capacity can be stored.

  • Tantalum electrolytic capacitor

    Tantalum electrolytic capacitors are smaller than aluminum electrolytic capacitors and used in many analog circuits. Tantalum electrolytic capacitors are used in order to remove spike current spike in digital circuits.

  • Electric double layer capacitor

    Electric double layer capacitors used the state the electric double layer formed at the interfacial surface of electrode and electrolyte as the dielectric function. Electric double layer capacitors can correspond to a wide range of use applications flexibly.

  • Mica capacitor

    Mica capacitors use mica, which is a natural mineral, as the dielectric. Temperature coefficient of capacitance is small and consistent and degree of precision of capacity is high. Mica capacitors are used for correcting phase of negative feedback etc.

  • Film capacitor

    Film capacitors are low dielectric capacitors which use soft film as the dielectric. Film capacitors are most suitable for the case requiring low capacity error and rigorous capacity.