2023/11/26 |
This product change notification (PCN) is to inform you about a change in~delivery unit & minimum order quantity (MOQ) impacting PNs listed below in this~PCN. Change was already communicated via P-23-024531 but new PCN informs about~postponed activation date: As of February 20, 2024 we will increase the~delivery unit & the min. order quantityy |
2024/09/30 |
Supplier Notice No.:P-24-026638 Title: The manufacturing base for the following part numbers for customers in the Asia Pacifi c region will be changed to TE Japan
Descripti on of Changes: 1.The manufacturing base for the following part numbers for customers in the Asia Pacifi c region will be changed to TE Japan. 2.Product packaging specifi cati ons will bechanged.(No change in product quanti ty.) 3.welding method change to laser welding from resistance welding for carrier part of terminal.
Reason for Changes: Dear customer, The manufacturing locati on for Asia-Pacifi c customer into TE Japan for capacity expansion purpose.A duplicated new die will be built.The change will beexecuted via a strict procedure to assure no negative infl uence on quality, delivery and form-fi t -functi on of the concernedproducts. The new manufacturing site is under acertified quality system according to industry standerds and internal release based on product specifi cati on will be executed before any parts are delivered.A Level 2 PPAP andsamples will be submitt edupon request. Please contact your TE Account Manager for the concerned matter.
First Date To Ship(Changed Parts Only): 30-SEP-2024 |
2024/12/30 |
Supplier Notice No.:P-24-027077 Title: This is a notice of packaging change which contains stamped product reels for shipping.
Reason for Changes: Document clarification.Dear Customer, we hereby inform you about a change of packaging material. The reason for this change is to increase the integrity of the packing system. The change follows a strict procedure, which fully maintains quality, ability to supply and form-fit-function of the concerned products. The packaging implementation follows a certified quality management system in accordance with standard automotive requirements. |