Infineon Introduces 5th Generation thinQ!TM SiC Schottky Barrier DiodesDelivering Market Leading Efficiency at Attractive Price-Performance Ratio 2012/10/04 Infineon Technologies
Power Supply
Neubiberg, Germany – September 26, 2012 – Infineon today announces theexpansion of its SiC (Silicon Carbide) portfolio with the introduction of the 650VthinQ!TM SiC Schottky Barrier Diodes Generation 5.
Infineon’s proprietary diffusion soldering process, already introduced with Generation3, is now combined with a new, more compact design as well as latest advancementsin thin wafer technology bringing improved thermal characteristics and a Figure ofMerit (Qc x Vf) in the order of 30% lower with respect to the preceding Infineon SiCdiode families. The result is a series of products delivering improved efficiency inPFC and Boost stages over all load conditions with respect to all previous thinQ!TMgenerations. The Generation 5 products are targeted for use in high-end Server andTelecom SMPS (Switched-Mode Power Supply), PC Silverbox and Lightingapplications, Solar Inverters and UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) systems. Withthe new generation, these applications not only benefit from improved efficiency, butalso from reduced EMI (Electromagnetic Interference), increased system reliabilityand cost/size savings due to reduced cooling requirements.
“Infineon has significantly improved and expanded the portfolio since the firstintroduction of its SiC Schottky diodes in 2001. SiC diodes are differentiatingproducts, shaping the future of green energy,” says Jan-Willem Reynaerts, ProductSegment Head High Voltage Power Conversion at Infineon Technologies. “TheGeneration 5 enables further improvements in system efficiency and power densitycompared to previous generations, in combination with an attractive priceperformanceratio.”
The low capacitive charge (Qc) values of Generation 3 combined with the forwardvoltage (Vf) levels of Generation 2 allow Generation 5 to deliver utmost efficiencylevels in PFC circuits. The new family has a higher breakdown voltage level: 650Vinstead of the 600V of Generation 2 and 3, matching the latest releases inCoolMOSTM technology. This feature provides higher safety margins in applicationslike Solar Inverters and in challenging SMPS environments. Generation 5 offersmoreover a high robustness against surge currents and a broader portfolio includingproducts with both higher current ratings and new packages, such as TO-247 andThinPAK.
Availability Samples are available now.
Further information on Infineon’s new 650V thinQ!TM SiC Schottky Barrier Diodes Generation 5 is available at
About Infineon Infineon Technologies AG, Neubiberg, Germany, offers semiconductor and systemsolutions addressing three central challenges to modern society: energy efficiency,mobility, and security. In the 2011 fiscal year (ending September 30), the companyreported sales of Euro 4 billion with close to 26,000 employees worldwide. Infineon islisted on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (ticker symbol: IFX) and in the USA on theover-the-counter market OTCQX International Premier (ticker symbol: IFNNY).
Further information is available at This news release is available online at
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Power Supply
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