THine releases its new 8A power supply module sample kit of THV81800 with ultra-high-speed transient response and high efficiency 2016/05/10 THine Electronics
Power Supply
TOKYO (May 10, 2016) -- THine Electronics, Inc. (JASDAQ: 6769), the global leader in high-speed serial interface and provider of mixed-signal LSI, today announced its delivery of its new 8A power supply module sample kit of THV81800, with ultra-high-speed transient response, achieved with THine’s Transphase technology, and significantly high efficiency, starting its volume production from this second quarter. The brand new power supply module is suitable for various high-performance processing circuit board applications such as cloud servers, artificial intelligence, high-speed image processing and industrial applications.
THV81800 supports power supply system with large current, containing 1ch buck DC/DC converter, power MOSFET, inductors, and other discrete parts in a tiny package and enables almost half of usual footprints that need various external parts for power systems. The users of THine’s tiny power supply module enable to accelerate the time-to-market, minimizing frustrating long period of designing and validating their original power supply circuits. This power supply module allows decreasing the users’ costs by reducing part counts as well as enhancing reliability based on its long product life.
Furthermore, THV81800’s ultra-high-speed transient response shows the industry’s best-level performance. Usual power supply circuits, in case of drastic changes in the current load, cannot respond to such high-speed transient and result in large voltage dips that may cause malfunction of digital circuits or, in the worst case, damage the circuits. Supported by THine’s Transphase technology, THV81800 can avoid such troubles in power systems because it responds to the high-speed transients appropriately and minimizes the voltage dips.
THine’s THV81800 achieves significantly high efficiency, for example, approximately by 2% higher than usual power systems under operations driven in 4A. In addition, THine’s Powerlinker technology allows smarter power sequential controls. Powerlinker technology enables to design highly freely the sequence of each voltage rail’s power-on/off, linking each power supply if multiple power supply required.
THine starts the delivery of THV81800 sample kit from this second quarter, supporting customers’ needs sufficiently. Also, in order to deliver further value for customers’ needs in high-performance of cloud servers, artificial intelligence systems, high-speed image processing and recognition, and industrial applications, THine plans to develop more product line-ups for various applications with FPGA, DSP, and DDR memories.
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