Quote to Order guideline
- 1. Find Parts & Add to Cart
- Select from over 40 million parts from our database, with up to date pricing and stock information.
- 2. Checkout Procedure
- Our check out process has been made simple, allowing you to select from a variety of payment and shipping options.
- 3. Submit Payment & Order
Provisioning of orders will not commence until payment is received or confirmed.
- Credit Card –
- Please ensure that you have sufficient credit on the card and that international transactions are pre-authorized with your credit card provider to reduce any delays in payment authorization.
- TT Transfers –
- Please allow up to 4 working days for us to confirm payment via TT Transfer.
- Ali Pay –
- Available for HK and Chinese customers only.
- 4. Order Submitted
- Depending on the details of your order, our team will be working to allocating relevant stock to your order. As some parts may be sourced from one of our partnered suppliers, please allow up to 2-3 working days for us to confirm stock availability and allocation of stock to your order. Please be aware that at this stage, Chip One Stop cannot yet guarantee stock allocation to your order and is solely dependent on stock availability with our partnered suppliers. In the event that stock is no longer available, we will notify you with the following options: make adjustments to your order, keep on back order or cancel the order.
- 5. Order Accepted
- Provisioning has now been completed. Stock has either been allocated to your order and awaiting shipment or an order has been placed on one of our trusted suppliers. From this stage onwards, orders cannot be cancelled as per our cancellation policy.
- 6. Order Shipped
- Your order is now complete and the goods are on its way to your designated shipping address. Tracking details will be provided via email. Please be reminded that as all shipments are made on FCA, CPT or EXW terms, please ensure that you are ready to provide any additional information required for customs clearance once contacted by your respective customs authorities.
Ordering from a search
Please click the “Add to Cart” button on the search results or product details page. Once a product is in your shopping cart it will be saved there for up to 7 days.
Ordering from a quotation
You can order from a quotation by either of the following ways:
- From the quotations web page
(1) My Page > Click on quote details on the quote history page
(2) Click on “Quotes available for order” on the top right of the page - From the quotation email
You can place an order on the Chip One Stop website by clicking on the URL within the quotation e-mail.
Ordering from a Bill of Materials (BOM)
If you upload your Bill of Materials (BOM) straight to the web, you can order in bulk and RFQ by each BOM.
For more on how to utilize and how to register Bill of Materials (BOM), please click here.
Ordering from your bookmarks
The bookmark function allows you to bookmark (save as a favorite) frequently ordered products. Price information is updated in real time.
Click the “☆+” icon to add a product as a bookmark.
When placing an order/RFQ for a product, confirm the product’s information from your bookmarks and directly add it to your shopping cart or RFQ cart.