Search by keywords
Search for a product by entering a manufacturer’s part number, a keyword, or a Chip One Stop part number in the search box.
- Search Tips:
- * If you have (already know) a specific manufacturer’s model number for a product, please search by manufacturer model number. If you are searching by a product line or if there are too few search results, please try searching again after deleting the latter part of the model number to broaden the search range.
- * If you know the product category you want but do not specify a manufacturer or model number, search by entering the category name in the search box or browse from the Search by Category tab.
- * If you know the manufacturer you’re looking for, search by entering the manufacturer name in the search box or browse from the Search by Manufacturer tab
Search by category
You can narrow your search by category. This is helpful if you know what category of product you are searching for but don’t have any specifications for manufacturer or part number.
Click on the “Categories” tab and select the category you are searching for, you can narrow your search by then selecting a manufacturer or particular specifications.
Search by manufacturer
Search for products by manufacturer.
Select the manufacturer you want from the “Manufacturers” tab.
Chip One Stop also has official store pages for certain manufacturers with excellent search functions, extended product lineups and various other content.
Search by solution
Narrow your search for products by purpose or application.
Select your desired solution from the “Solutions” tab.
Multiple search
You can do multiple searches at once.
Click on “Multi-Search” above the search box to search for multiple part numbers. Please create a separate line for each key word.
Searching by using the Bill of Materials (BOM) function
If you upload your Bill of Materials (BOM) to the web as is, you can bulk order or RFQ by BOM. For more on using the Bill of Materials (BOM) function and how to register your BOM, click here
Show Similar Search
This function is convenient when searching for a product that is similar to the part number found as a result of a search. Click the “Show Similar” button to narrow your search to specification similar to that part number (* You can also select multiple products by holding down the shift or control key).
Search result
Product detail page