Group function

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What is the group function?

The group function allows multiple members to share information such as order history, quotation history, browsing history, bookmarks, and the bill of materials (BOM) as one group.

I would like to use the group function.

Apply for this function from the group function section on your My Page after logging in. An e-mail notifying you that you can now use the group function will be sent within one business day.

Can I put restrictions on information shared and what group members can do?

The primary user can set the viewing and changing authority of things such as ordering, changing account information, viewing bookmarks, BOMs, order history, RFQ history of each individual group member. For example, you can restrict the authority so that designers cannot place orders but buyers can make bulk purchases of products that were added to bookmarks by developers, or share BOM information within a group involved in the same development project.

I want to add a member to my group.

After a member with the authority to “change account information” logs in, they can add a member by going to their My Page > Group Function > Add Member. If you would like to add someone who is not registered, you can add them as a newly registered member from the same page.

I want to change the primary member of my group.

The current primary member can change the primary member of the group by going to their My Page > Group function, after logging in.